(Pablo Picasso, First Communion, 1895/1896)
Today was my daughter's First Communion. It was a beautiful liturgy. My daughter already has a very deep devotion to Christ in the Eucharist through adoration, so it was very moving to see her partake in the ultimate intimacy of receiving Him. There was the usual party, and it was wonderful to celebrate with family and friends. There was the cleaning of the house, the buying of the dress and gifts. All these things were enjoyable, but it was also good to remind ourselves that they were merely accessories. The reason for this day is Christ and His love for us. I had no anticipation about how moving I would find this day, but both my wife and I cried a number of times. It is my prayer that for the rest of her earthly life my daughter will continue to receive Jesus in the Eucharist and grow in love for Him and His Church.
Thanks, Tagskie, for the positive remark. I looked in on the arts-and-entertainment website. You might be interested in the work of Stephen Cefalo at http://www.stephencefalo.com/. Thanks, again.
Belated blessings to your daughter and the rest of your family for this very holy day Pete! I also cried on my daughters' First Communions, as well as my husband's when he came into the church at Easter Vigil. It is a very moving experience, which I think you only begin to appreciate the closer you grow to Him. Thanks for sharing your daughter's day here.
Peace and prayers!
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